外来和尚的中国红宝书 --《十亿消费者》浅记
去年不小心把《十亿消费者/One Billion Customers》给弄丢了,最近宅在家里,终于把电子版读完。作者James McGregor曾担任《华尔街日报》和道琼斯集团在华负责人,后从事咨询与投资。这本书夹叙夹议,以他在华的经验为素材,总结了外国人在华经商与投资的诀窍。很多外国人称这本书为在华经商的“商业红宝书”。
James McGregor 本人的经历也是传奇。1985年,30岁的他和姐姐一同作为背包族,搭乘肮脏拥挤的火车和汽车,走遍了中国的城市和乡村。1987年,他变卖了所有家产,和妻子来到台湾,经历了台湾现代化转型与新闻开放的黄金时代。1990年,他终于搬到北京,见证了经济改革的浪潮。
“...the core philosophy is rule by law, not the rule of law.”
“Firm control from the top has always been considered the only path to peace and prosperity in China. One reason is that China is a shame-based society, very different from the guilt-based West. In the West, with society's religious orientation, many controls are internalized. Guilt, which is ultimately the fear of sin and eternal damnation, puts a check on bad behavior. In China, itis the fear of exposure and the accompanying shame that tarnishes the entire extended family. As a result, the Chinese can feel pretty good about doing almost anything as long as they don't get caught. In that atmosphere, the only efficient form of law and order is a strong and omnipresent government that increases the likelihood of getting caught if you do something wrong.”
“Freedom means knowing how big your cage is. 自由意味着知道你自己的笼子有多大。”
“But to reach the next step in its economic evolution, China must find ways to go beyond some of the lingering cultural, social, and psychological barriers that will soon impede that progress. The struggle now is to discover the management principles and techniques that will harness and focus the immenent energy and intelligence of the Chinese to build efficient, innovative, and responsive companies capable of competing on their own with the best in the world. That means training managers to operate within organizations that are not dictatorships, to treat others as equals, to accept responsibility for mistakes, and to share information, all behaviors that have historically been almost absent in China.”