菲尔普斯蝶泳视频欣赏 慢镜头(菲尔普斯蝶泳慢动作视频)
1. Stable head. He breathed every stroke, yet his head never changed attitude (i.e. chin never tipped down, nor lifted up.)
Significance: The human head represents about 8% of total body mass but is a long way from center of mass, like a bowling ball on a broomstick. When it goes up and down -- particularly if the arms spend much time behind the shoulders (and their potential to dampen up/down motions is lost) -- precious body momentum is diverted vertically, rather than forward. Because Phelp's head is so stationary it always contributes to forward motion.
1 稳定的头部
2. His body remains essentially horizontal - sinks and rises in balance. Like his head, his body changes attitude very little, meaning he's traveling forward in every phase of the stroke. No climbing, nor diving.
Significance: No diversion of energy or momentum. And he travels a shorter distance in each stroke cycle than rivals. They may travel, say, 201m, while he only travels 200m. Giving up even a single meter to Phelps is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
2 身体始终保持水平 无论是上浮还是下沉
3. He stays streamlined and 'tall,' while sinking after he lands. As I noted above, he's always traveling forward. He doesn't dive back in the water, he simply falls into it after a breath (albeit cleanly and gently). Gravity takes care of that; were he to dive down that would be adding suspenders to belt.
Significance: A long, streamlined body travels farther, faster - particularly while underwater, avoiding surface tension.
3 即使身体下沉也保持流线型
4. He is still streamlined and tall as he rises again. #3 and #4 together take only a nanosecond but it becomes evident watching at .05 sec intervals.
Significance: Not only is he staying in a streamlined position a tiny moment longer than rivals-and thus traveling farther faster as they lose a bit of momentum. He's also letting the force of buoyancy return him to the surface while rivals use muscular forces to do so. Critical energy savings that help explain why he so effortlessly pulls away on the last 50m.
4 身体上浮的时候同样保持流线型