鹿晗Skin to skin歌词_鹿晗Skin to skin歌曲试听_鹿晗Xplore歌曲

2022-12-04 16:35:17 0

鹿晗Skin to skin歌词_鹿晗Skin to skin歌曲试听_鹿晗Xplore歌曲

鹿Boss最新MINI数字专辑《Xplore》现已正式开启预售~冬天在每个人心中或许都有不同的印象,雪花、白色哈气、倒数跨年的烟花秀…这次在《Xplore》中,一座《微白城市》(Winter song),一首《Skin to skin》,有鹿Boss的声音作伴的,是不一样的冬天。三大平台同时开启:QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐,值得期待~。

鹿晗xplore纯英文的歌曲《Skin to skin》试听:点击进入

鹿晗《Skin to skin》歌词



制作:Picard Brothers



混音/母带:周天澈@Tweak Tone Labs


Take your time

Love me in the middle of your lowest night

I ll be sure to lift you if you promise me

Give me your affection

And your honesty

If I could feel your touch

If I could be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

Now tell me I m the only one

Skin to skin

Take your time

I ll be right here with you in the longest fight

Never will neglect you I ll stay by your side

Never would direct yo(gps是什么意思?GPS是全球定位系统Global Positioning System的缩写形式,它是一种基于卫星的定位系统,用于获得地理位置信息以及准确的通用协调时间。)u

If I m left behind

Will I still feel your touch

Will I still be your love

I wanna go beyond

I wanna go to far

Now tell me I m the only one

Skin to skin


关键字:  鹿晗Skin to skin歌词