
2022-10-23 16:32:34 0



The discovery of 40 tiger cubs in a freezer at Thailand’s now-infamous Tiger Temple has sent shock waves through the conservation world.


The Buddhist facility, a popular tourist destination, has touted itself as a haven for endangered tigers. But wildlife advocates suspect the temple’s operators were smuggling the dead cubs out of the park and into the black market for wildlife parts, where tiger bones are a high-priced symbol of luxury.


Suspicions about the facility’s role in illegal wildlife trafficking led to a May 30 search by Thai police and wildlife officials.


Soon after, the worst fears of tiger lovers were confirmed. As Thai officials began tranquilizing and transporting out the temple’s 137 live tigers, they found 40 tiger cubs stashed in a freezer.


The temple operators have denied any wrongdoing, saying they were following an internal veterinary policy enacted in 2010.


“Instead of cremation, the deceased cubs were preserved in jars or kept frozen,” the Tiger Temple wrote on its Facebook page on Tuesday. “We have documented all the deaths from 2010 and have photographic evidence of them still being within the Temple. We can only surmise why the rumors of selling tiger cubs started, and it could be that some volunteers have jumped to conclusions after seeing cubs carried out of the general area where our tigers are kept.”

“虎 崽死后,我们并没有将虎崽火化,死后的虎崽被我们冷藏在瓶子中,”周二,虎庙官方在脸书上发表声明。“我们记录了2010年所有死亡的虎崽,并有照片为证 它们一直在虎庙中。反而我们很质疑走私虎崽的谣言是从何而起的?我想只是因为一些志愿者看到我们把虎崽从之前的保存位置移动了下,就大惊小怪地认为我们在 走私虎崽吧?”

But as the investigation goes on, the explanation seems to be falling apart. On Thursday, Thai police stopped a truck as it was leaving the Tiger Temple. According to Thailand’s Wildlife Conservation Office, the truck contained two complete tiger skins, about 700 amulets made from tiger parts, and 10 tiger teeth.


In addition to the tiger parts, investigators found a dead bear and a binturong, an endangered bearcat, on the temple grounds.


On Friday, the Tiger Temple again posted on Facebook, professing surprise at these developments. “The recent discovery of the tiger skins and necklaces comes as a shock to us as well as the rest of the world. We are disgusted at this discovery and we don’t condone this. We are looking forward to the authorities bringing the culprits to justice.”


“Indeed, only around 4,000 tigers are left in the wild,” the U.N. Environment Programme and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime said in a joint statement. “Until the illegal trade in wildlife is stopped, we are only likely to see more of these types of situations.”




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