bh有什么意思?它有哪些英语短语?下面学习啦小编为大家带来bh什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习! bh的意思 abbr. 铍(一种化学元素,bohrium) bh的双语例句 BH: Who had been the kindest to you in your life? BH:生活中一直对你最好的人是谁? BH: Have me and mom ever extremely disappointed you? BH:我和妈妈有没有曾让你非常失望过? BH: No, I m not ashamed. BH:不,我不觉得丢人。 BH: Have me and mom ever extremely disappointed you? 我和妈妈有没有曾让你非常失望过? BH ranked next to Macedonia as the poorest republic in the old Yugoslav federation. 波黑在老南斯拉夫联邦是仅次于马其顿王国的最贫穷的国家。 The konvertibilna marka (convertible mark or BAM)- the national currency introduced in 1998 -is now pegged to the euro, and the Central Bank of BH has dramatically increased its reserve holdings. 国家的货币于1998年确定为可自由兑换马克(BAM),现在定为欧元,波黑的中央银行大幅增加了其资金储备量。 Can you give us radar assistance to BH? 你能给我们雷达协助到BH吗? The Cold War saw the establishment of the Communist Yugoslavia under Tito, and thereestablishment of BH as a republic within its Ottoman borders. 冷战见证了南斯拉夫共产党在提托的率领下建立,以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳在奥托曼边境内重新建立一个共和国。 The Parliamentary Assembly is the lawmaking body in BH. 国会是波黑的立法主体。 When Yugoslavia was invaded in World War II, all of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) was ceded toNazi-puppet Croatia. 当南斯拉夫在二战中被侵占,所有的波斯尼亚人和黑塞哥维那人被遗弃成为了克罗地亚纳粹的傀儡。 Increase rate of descent to pass BH at 8000m, advise if able. 加大下降率至8000米通过BH,如有可能通知。 Serbia and Bosnian Serbs responded with armed attacks on BH Croats and Bosniaks aimed atpartitioning the republic along ethnic lines and joining Serb-held areas. 塞尔维亚和波斯尼亚的塞尔维亚人攻打波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳的克罗地亚人和波斯尼亚人,目的在于划分共和国的种族,试将塞尔维亚控制的区域结合起来。 The Chair of the Presidency of BH rotates among three members (Bosniak, Serb, Croat), eachelected as the Chair for a 8-month term within their 4-year term as a member. 波黑的总统主席的任期是在三个成员之间轮转的(波斯尼亚、塞黑和克罗地亚),每个成员会在四年间各自当主席8个月。 BH is located in the western Balkans, bordering Croatia to the north and south-west, and Serbiaand Montenegro to the east. v波黑位于巴尔干半岛的西面,在北面和西南面和克罗地亚接壤,在东面和塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫毗邻。 BH s primary education lasts for eight years. 波黑的初级教育要持续8年的时间。 bh的英语例句 1. Make an orbit to the right of BH, due to traffic congestion. 在BH上空绕飞一圈, 因活动繁忙. 2. Climb to 8000 m immediately after over BH at 600 m per minute. 飞越BH后,每分钟六百米上升,立即爬到8000米. 3. Hold over BH until 1312 due to traffic congestion at Rumet point. 在BH上空等待直到 1312,因在R点 飞行拥挤. 4. Hold over BH for 5 minutes due to traffic. 在BH等待五分钟因有冲突. 5. FYI, BH beacon is working all right, please check your radio compass. 通知你, BH工作良好, 请检查你的无线电罗盘. 6. Increase rate of descent to pass BH at 8000 m, advise if able. 加大下降率至8000米通过BH, 如有可能通知. 7. Can (加官进爵是什么刑罚?司刑职员将预备好的桑皮纸揭起一张,盖在犯人脸上,司刑职员嘴里早含着一口烧刀子,使劲一喷,噀出一阵细雾,桑皮纸受潮发软,立即贴服在脸上,然后增加纸张的数量,导致犯人窒息而亡。)you climb to 9000 m or above by BH? 飞越BH上空你能否升到9000米以上的高度? 8. Commence your descend to cross BH at 8000 m, expedite through 9000 m. 开始下降至8000米飞越BH, 迅速离开9000米. 9. Stop your climbing now , due to converging traffic of BH. 停止上升, 因在BH有汇合飞行. 10. Maintain 10000 m over BH, due to opposite way traffic. 保持10000米过BH,因航路相对飞行. 11. Increase rate of descent to pass BH at 8000 m, advise if able. 加大下降率至8000米通过bh, 如有可能通知. 12. Expedite your speed over BH not later than 0935. 加大你的速度,飞越BH不要晚于0935. 13. OBJECTIVE : To prepare Berberine hydrochloride solid lipid nanoparticles ( BH - SLN ). 目的: 制备盐酸小檗碱固体脂质纳米粒 ( BH -SLN ). 14. What is your estimating over BH? 预计飞越BH什么时间? 15. Departing BH, we estimating XK 35. 离开BH, 预计XK三五分. 看过bh什么意思的人还看了:1.什么叫做情商低2.世界上脚趾最长的人3.自然人借款合同纠纷判决书4.初一数学学习心得3篇5.苏教版七年级上数学期末试卷6.苏教版七年级上数学期末试卷