Jake Bugg年龄资料哪里人,基本简介,歌手简介,于Burberry旗舰店举办小型演唱

2023-11-06 16:57:07 0

Jake Bugg年龄资料哪里人,基本简介,歌手简介,于Burberry旗舰店举办小型演唱

Jake Bugg个人资料

Jake Bugg是英国歌手,男, 1994年2月28日出生。在英国诺丁汉的克利夫顿地区长大。他12岁开始弹吉他,17岁在BBC的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节"Introducing" 舞台亮相。他的音乐经常在BBC电台播放,歌词"Country Song"用于国家电视台啤酒节。Jake Bugg给人的感觉,像60年代的Bob Dylan。对民谣的理解就是加入英国的摇滚元素是Jake Bugg可以在英国市场备受关注的原因。

Jake Bugg基本简介

Bugg 在英国诺丁汉的克利夫顿地区长大。他12岁开始弹吉他,17岁在BBC的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节"Introducing" 舞台亮相。他的音乐经常在BBC电台播放,歌词“Country Song”用于国家电视台啤酒节。Jake Bugg给人的感觉,像60年代的Bob Dylan。对民谣的理解就是加入英国的摇滚元素是Jake Bugg可以在英国市场备受关注的原因。


Aged just 18, Nottingham lad Jake Bugg has supported Noel Gallagher and The Stone Roses, soundtracked a beer advert and appeared on Later… with Jools Holland. Nothing seems to unnerve him, and while it’s a while since a singer-songwriter’s debut was so feverishly anticipated, he has such momentum that there seems little chance of anybody daring to initiate a backlash yet.

Bugg’s trick is to keep things simple. His influences – Dylan, Donovan – are blindingly obvious, but he brings a modern, metropolitan, post-Alex Turner consciousness to the strumming and couplets.

He comes in atypically fast and furious for opener Lightning Bolt, a blast of Blonde on Blonde refracted through the venerable Bad Moon Rising riff, the band offering a slice of punk-skiffle. — BBC


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