nature communications影响因子(nature communication影响因子)
正聚是科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)出品的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)中的一项数据,对科研人员重中之重的数据。影响因子的计算是某期刊N-1, N-2这两年发表的论文在N年的平均平均引用次数。以2019年为例,将在2019年6月出的新的影响因子叫“2018年度影响因子”,是2016年和2017年某杂志上发表的所有文章在2018年被引用总次数除以该杂志在2016年和2017年发表的杂志的总数。
当前根据以上计算公式算出来的影响因子是及时影响因子,而不是实际影响因子。尽管目前已经进入2019年度, 仍然有一些2018年度的引用还没有显示在数据库中,所以及时影响因子一般是低于实际影响因子。即使在6月份科睿唯安公布新的影响因子前夕计算出来的及时影响因子,一般也会比实际影响因子低。根据我往年对一些杂志的及时影响因子的多次计算,及与最终影响因子的比较,估计现在的及时影响因子X 1.1 - 1.2, 大概是实际影响因子。
因为具体有多少被引用的次数没体现在web of science的数据库,不同杂志的差别很大。有的杂志可能几乎相当于及时影响因子,有的杂志可能能乘以达到1.2,但应该都会大于或等于及时影响因子(如果没有特殊情况)。在本文中我将以1.1作为乘的系数。
对于预测出的分数处于界限状态的杂志,请各位还需自己小心谨慎,可得看好了,界限状态的没人能说的准。但如果某杂志的及时影响因子是4.9, 2.9, 0.98这种边缘情况,这样的杂志实际影响因子能破镜进入下个境界的可能性非常非常大。
“费那么多话,还不赶紧把影响因子跟我说,show me the data!!”
1. Nature, Science, Cell主刊比较
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
11 |
Nature |
41.577 |
37.06 |
40.76 |
13 |
Science |
41.058 |
35.22 |
38.75 |
25 |
Cell |
31.398 |
32.93 |
36.22 |
2. Nature, Science, Cell子刊比较
人丁兴旺的Nature子刊分数一直很霸道,超过20分的杂志就有8个,这还不包括本文里没有算的Nature Review系列。Nature Communications, Nature plants都居于12分左右。 Nature Communications更是出奇的稳定在12分左右。本次预测的2018年影响影子也将是12.10分。metabolism领域借助肿瘤代谢热起来的,Nature也来插一杠子,出了Nature Metabolism。不知道将来Cell Metabolism会不会受到影响,至少现在还没有。Cell metabolism从之前的15分左右,一路高歌猛进,2017年超过20分,我们估计2018年将会达到22分。
一说子刊,自然少不了比一比三个系列的新期刊,Nature Communications, Cell Reports, Science Advances(前两个其实也不算新了)。尽管Science子刊系列人丁单薄,Science Advances一出影响因子就是11.51,2018年更会略胜Nature Communications一筹。Cell Reports就差一点了,虽然文章质量杠杠的,影响因子一直徘徊在8分左右。
Cell系列的几个子刊,特别是发育相关的子刊,一直处于下滑的趋势。Developmental Cell是发育生物学的龙头杂志,曾经17,18分的样子,现在已经到<10分的状态。Current Biology也在下滑。几个其他非Cell系列的跟发育相关,或更侧重机制研究的杂志也存在影响因子持续下滑的状态。比如Genes & Development, PLos Biology, Journal of Cell Biology, BMC Biology等。
Cell系列的Neuron今年也会跌到10分左右。刚开始出版时被干细胞领域看好的Stem Cell Reports 一直低迷,今年应该也不会超过6分。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
16 |
Nature Nanotechnology |
37.490 |
30.95 |
34.05 |
19 |
Nature Biotechnology |
35.724 |
24.98 |
27.48 |
22 |
Nature Medicine |
32.621 |
28.19 |
31.01 |
31 |
Nature Genetics |
27.125 |
23.15 |
25.46 |
32 |
Nature Methods |
26.919 |
23.60 |
25.96 |
35 |
Nature Chemistry |
26.201 |
21.08 |
23.18 |
59 |
Nature Immunology |
21.809 |
22.14 |
24.35 |
73 |
Nature Neuroscience |
19.912 |
19.64 |
21.61 |
80 |
Nature Cell Biology |
19.064 |
16.23 |
17.85 |
132 |
Nature Microbiology |
14.174 |
12.06 |
13.27 |
140 |
Nature Chemical Biology |
13.843 |
11.31 |
12.44 |
152 |
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
13.333 |
11.01 |
12.11 |
174 |
Nature Protocols |
12.423 |
10.51 |
11.56 |
176 |
Nature Communications |
12.353 |
11.00 |
12.10 |
200 |
Nature Plants |
11.471 |
11.38 |
12.52 |
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
48 |
Cell Stem Cell |
23.290 |
18.04 |
19.84 |
50 |
Cancer Cell |
22.844 |
21.27 |
23.40 |
67 |
Cell Metabolism |
20.565 |
20.17 |
22.18 |
75 |
Immunity |
19.734 |
19.95 |
21.94 |
87 |
Cell Host & Microbe |
17.872 |
14.28 |
15.71 |
128 |
Neuron |
14.318 |
9.76 |
10.74 |
130 |
Molecular Cell |
14.248 |
13.34 |
14.68 |
247 |
Developmental Cell |
9.616 |
8.28 |
9.11 |
272 |
Current Biology |
9.251 |
7.28 |
8.01 |
292 |
Cell Systems |
8.982 |
7.25 |
7.97 |
354 |
Cell Reports |
8.032 |
7.38 |
8.12 |
501 |
Stem Cell Reports |
6.537 |
4.96 |
5.46 |
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
94 |
Science Translational Medicine |
16.710 |
15.26 |
16.79 |
199 |
Science Advances |
11.511 |
11.54 |
12.70 |
533 |
Science Signaling |
6.378 |
5.74 |
6.32 |
3. 排名前二的两个杂志
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
1 |
Ca-A Cancer Journal For Clinicians |
244.585 |
213.07 |
234.38 |
2 |
New England Journal Of Medicine |
79.258 |
55.39 |
60.93 |
4. 各领域牛刊
Journal Of Clinical Oncology貌似今年又回落到其一般状态,以前Journal Of Clinical Oncology一般是15-20分之间。美国癌症协会AACR的旗舰杂志Cancer Discovery在突破20分之后继续保持上涨态势。 AACR下的另一个杂志Clincial Cancer Research专注转化医学方向,前几年分数一直上涨,2017年突破10分,2018却可能要低于10分。
Journal of Hepatology几年前还是6,7分的杂志,一直猛涨,如今已经15分左右了。已经超过了胃肠道的三个经典杂志Gastroenterology,Gut,Hepatology中的杂志Hepatology。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
34 |
Journal Of Clinical Oncology |
26.303 |
17.21 |
18.93 |
43 |
Cancer Discovery |
24.373 |
22.85 |
25.14 |
65 |
Gastroenterology |
20.773 |
14.89 |
16.38 |
91 |
Gut |
17.016 |
14.48 |
15.93 |
115 |
Blood |
15.132 |
11.51 |
12.66 |
120 |
Journal Of Hepatology |
14.911 |
13.91 |
15.30 |
136 |
Hepatology |
14.079 |
12.00 |
13.20 |
158 |
Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
13.251 |
11.54 |
12.69 |
161 |
Genome Biology |
13.214 |
12.62 |
13.88 |
173 |
Advanced Science |
12.441 |
13.78 |
15.16 |
197 |
Nucleic Acids Research |
11.561 |
11.59 |
12.75 |
209 |
Jnci-Journal Of The National Cancer Institute |
11.238 |
4.81 |
5.29 |
211 |
Autophagy |
11.100 |
8.79 |
9.67 |
214 |
Brain |
10.840 |
10.37 |
11.41 |
215 |
Journal Of Experimental Medicine |
10.790 |
10.36 |
11.40 |
5. 我想你对这两个新杂志的分数感兴趣,对不?
JCI和Blood的子刊,今年刚出影响因子。JCI insight和预期差不多,Blood Advances有点辣眼睛,又让我怀疑数据了。 不过一般第一年新出影响因子分数会相对比较低。Scientific Reports刚出来时不是也是2点几吗?不说了,不拿它和Scientific Reports比了,怕挨揍。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
JCI Insight |
NA |
5.55 |
6.11 |
Blood Advances |
NA |
2.93 |
3.23 |
6. 一些经典杂志的影响因子涨跌
Journal Of Thoracic Oncology作为肺癌方向的杂志,分数持续上涨,从刚开始的4分多,如今稳定在10分左右。Cancer Research今年应该会在8分左右。Genes & Development,Journal Of Cell Biology在前面已经说过了,老牌好杂志,现在已经跌了。Plant Cell被Nature Plants抢了稿源,也有下跌趋势。
Elife的文章很难发,在美国的认可度很高,但是分数就是上不去。Cell Cycle在细胞周期相关领域也算是比较不错的了,一直是5分以上,这两年不忍直视,跌的有点惨。
基因治疗领域的杂志Molecular Therapy,Gene Therapy, Human Gene Therapy等曾经辉煌,随着基因治疗的衰落,分数一直跌。尽管这两年基因治疗领域重新被重视,但又太多竞争杂志,这些杂志只是稍有回升。Molecular Therapy的子刊Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids能保持5分以上,还不错。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
226 |
Journal Of Thoracic Oncology |
10.336 |
8.75 |
9.63 |
233 |
Clinical Cancer Research |
10.199 |
8.18 |
9.00 |
238 |
Leukemia |
10.023 |
7.51 |
8.26 |
258 |
Genes & Development |
9.462 |
8.40 |
9.24 |
283 |
Cancer Research |
9.130 |
6.79 |
7.46 |
307 |
Journal Of Cell Biology |
8.784 |
7.99 |
8.79 |
340 |
Plant Cell |
8.228 |
7.85 |
8.64 |
355 |
Cell Death And Differentiation |
8.000 |
7.39 |
8.13 |
379 |
Elife |
7.616 |
6.71 |
7.38 |
446 |
Molecular Therapy |
7.008 |
7.45 |
8.19 |
457 |
Oncogene |
6.854 |
6.17 |
6.79 |
676 |
Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids |
5.660 |
5.18 |
5.70 |
682 |
Cell Death & Disease |
5.638 |
5.42 |
5.96 |
690 |
Stem Cells |
5.587 |
5.16 |
5.67 |
721 |
Bioinformatics |
5.481 |
4.02 |
4.42 |
1135 |
Journal Of Cell Science |
4.401 |
4.06 |
4.47 |
1242 |
Human Gene Therapy |
4.241 |
3.69 |
4.06 |
1355 |
Cancer Gene Therapy |
4.044 |
4.30 |
4.73 |
1381 |
Journal Of Biological Chemistry |
4.010 |
3.85 |
4.23 |
1429 |
Apoptosis |
3.967 |
3.79 |
4.16 |
1563 |
Molecular And Cellular Biology |
3.813 |
3.21 |
3.53 |
1849 |
Molecular Biology Of The Cell |
3.512 |
3.54 |
3.90 |
2111 |
Cell Cycle |
3.304 |
2.58 |
2.84 |
2260 |
Gene Therapy |
3.203 |
3.46 |
3.80 |
7. 上中国菜
中科院生化细胞所主办的Cell Research一直领跑,新出的Cell Discovery今年刚出分数,应该接近5分,以后应该会更高。Journal Of Molecular Cell Biology以前13点多,现在跌了不少。Protein & Cell也一直处于稳定上升期。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
108 |
Cell Research |
15.393 |
13.32 |
14.66 |
175 |
Bone Research |
12.354 |
15.12 |
16.64 |
558 |
Protein & Cell |
6.228 |
5.33 |
5.86 |
687 |
Journal Of Molecular Cell Biology |
5.595 |
3.60 |
3.96 |
1094 |
Cell Discovery |
4.462 |
4.37 |
4.81 |
1553 |
Chinese Journal Of Cancer |
3.822 |
3.02 |
3.32 |
1676 |
Chinese Journal Of Cancer Research |
3.689 |
2.37 |
2.60 |
8. 4分以下杂志,哦嚯嚯,很受欢迎的!
Spandidos系列,不得了,收稿量每年都在涨,而每个杂志分数都很坚挺,Oncology Letters都已经超过3500篇,不过貌似认可度不高。四大神刊里的Medicine在下面表格里,Oncotarget已经被踢出去。Plos one, Scientific Reports文章太多了,Web of Science的常规算法导不出,下次有空去看看其他办法能不能算出来。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
2079 |
International Journal Of Oncology |
3.333 |
3.42 |
3.77 |
2601 |
Oncology Reports |
2.976 |
2.91 |
3.20 |
2936 |
International Journal Of Molecular Medicine |
2.784 |
2.78 |
3.06 |
5058 |
Molecular Medicine Reports |
1.922 |
1.75 |
1.93 |
5926 |
Oncology Letters |
1.664 |
1.79 |
1.97 |
6913 |
Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine |
1.410 |
1.36 |
1.50 |
2187 |
Journal Of Cancer |
3.249 |
3.02 |
3.33 |
2213 |
Life Sciences |
3.234 |
3.22 |
3.54 |
2287 |
Genes |
3.191 |
2.60 |
2.86 |
2383 |
Brain Research |
3.125 |
2.81 |
3.09 |
2433 |
Molecules |
3.098 |
2.65 |
2.91 |
2488 |
American Journal Of Translational Research |
3.061 |
3.09 |
3.40 |
2572 |
Febs Letters |
2.999 |
2.49 |
2.74 |
2574 |
Biochemistry |
2.997 |
2.77 |
3.05 |
3190 |
Oncotargets And Therapy |
2.656 |
2.83 |
3.12 |
3800 |
European Review For Medical And Pharmacological Sciences |
2.387 |
2.57 |
2.83 |
4729 |
Medicine |
2.028 |
1.40 |
1.54 |
5145 |
Medical Science Monitor |
1.894 |
1.78 |
1.96 |
5145 |
Medical Science Monitor |
1.894 |
1.78 |
1.96 |
5227 |
Anti-Cancer Drugs |
1.869 |
1.75 |
1.92 |
6955 |
International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Pathology |
1.396 |
0.19 |
0.21 |
9463 |
International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine |
0.833 |
0.17 |
0.18 |
11092 |
Open Medicine |
0.484 |
1.09 |
1.19 |
9. PLos, EMBO, BMC系列
长期来看PLos系列总统处于下跌态势,不容乐观。EMBO系列相对稳定。BMC Medicine, BMC Biology的分数上涨态势不好,而Genome Biology稳定在10分数以上(见前面的表)。惊人的是Molecular Cancer一直上涨,今年要突破10分了。你还在惊讶2018年Molecular Cancer被划到一区,现在更惊讶的应该是它的分数。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
190 |
Plos Medicine |
11.675 |
9.42 |
10.37 |
280 |
Plos Biology |
9.163 |
7.39 |
8.13 |
569 |
Plos Pathogens |
6.158 |
5.96 |
6.56 |
704 |
Plos Genetics |
5.540 |
4.77 |
5.25 |
222 |
Embo Journal |
10.557 |
10.23 |
11.26 |
227 |
Embo Molecular Medicine |
10.293 |
9.61 |
10.58 |
309 |
Embo Reports |
8.749 |
7.16 |
7.87 |
287 |
Bmc Medicine |
9.088 |
7.13 |
7.85 |
655 |
Bmc Biology |
5.770 |
5.69 |
6.26 |
371 |
Molecular Cancer |
7.776 |
9.96 |
10.96 |
10. Lancet,JAMA系列
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
3 |
Lancet |
53.254 |
49.17 |
54.09 |
17 |
Lancet Oncology |
36.418 |
31.78 |
34.96 |
30 |
Lancet Neurology |
27.138 |
25.00 |
27.50 |
77 |
Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology |
19.313 |
19.16 |
21.08 |
208 |
Lancet Hiv |
11.355 |
11.73 |
12.91 |
219 |
Lancet Haematology |
10.698 |
10.81 |
11.89 |
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
7 |
Jama-Journal Of The American Medical Association |
47.661 |
36.41 |
40.05 |
64 |
Jama Oncology |
20.871 |
17.65 |
19.41 |
72 |
Jama Internal Medicine |
19.989 |
14.06 |
15.47 |
201 |
Jama Neurology |
11.460 |
10.38 |
11.42 |
216 |
Jama Pediatrics |
10.769 |
9.62 |
10.58 |
236 |
Jama Cardiology |
10.133 |
9.41 |
10.36 |
324 |
Jama Surgery |
8.498 |
8.50 |
9.35 |
349 |
Jama Dermatology |
8.107 |
5.37 |
5.91 |
11. 看全系列吧,按照去年的分数排的,不少没有在上面介绍的。
排名 |
杂志名称 |
2017 IF |
及时IF |
预测IF |
1 |
Ca-A Cancer Journal For Clinicians |
244.585 |
213.07 |
234.38 |
2 |
New England Journal Of Medicine |
79.258 |
55.39 |
60.93 |
3 |
Lancet |
53.254 |
49.17 |
54.09 |
7 |
Jama-Journal Of The American Medical Association |
47.661 |
36.41 |
40.05 |
11 |
Nature |
41.577 |
37.06 |
40.76 |
13 |
Science |
41.058 |
35.22 |
38.75 |
16 |
Nature Nanotechnology |
37.490 |
30.95 |
34.05 |
17 |
Lancet Oncology |
36.418 |
31.78 |
34.96 |
19 |
Nature Biotechnology |
35.724 |
24.98 |
27.48 |
22 |
Nature Medicine |
32.621 |
28.19 |
31.01 |
25 |
Cell |
31.398 |
32.93 |
36.22 |
30 |
Lancet Neurology |
27.138 |
25.00 |
27.50 |
31 |
Nature Genetics |
27.125 |
23.15 |
25.46 |
32 |
Nature Methods |
26.919 |
23.60 |
25.96 |
34 |
Journal Of Clinical Oncology |
26.303 |
17.21 |
18.93 |
35 |
Nature Chemistry |
26.201 |
21.08 |
23.18 |
43 |
Cancer Discovery |
24.373 |
22.85 |
25.14 |
48 |
Cell Stem Cell |
23.290 |
18.04 |
19.84 |
49 |
Bmj-British Medical Journal |
23.259 |
14.63 |
16.09 |
50 |
Cancer Cell |
22.844 |
21.27 |
23.40 |
59 |
Nature Immunology |
21.809 |
22.14 |
24.35 |
64 |
Jama Oncology |
20.871 |
17.65 |
19.41 |
65 |
Gastroenterology |
20.773 |
14.89 |
16.38 |
67 |
Cell Metabolism |
20.565 |
20.17 |
22.18 |
72 |
Jama Internal Medicine |
19.989 |
14.06 |
15.47 |
73 |
Nature Neuroscience |
19.912 |
19.64 |
21.61 |
75 |
Immunity |
19.734 |
19.95 |
21.94 |
77 |
Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology |
19.313 |
19.16 |
21.08 |
80 |
Nature Cell Biology |
19.064 |
16.23 |
17.85 |
82 |
Circulation |
18.880 |
19.30 |
21.24 |
87 |
Cell Host & Microbe |
17.872 |
14.28 |
15.71 |
90 |
European Urology |
17.581 |
14.48 |
15.93 |
91 |
Gut |
17.016 |
14.48 |
15.93 |
93 |
Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology |
16.834 |
15.00 |
16.50 |
94 |
Science Translational Medicine |
16.710 |
15.26 |
16.79 |
108 |
Cell Research |
15.393 |
13.32 |
14.66 |
113 |
Circulation Research |
15.211 |
13.77 |
15.15 |
115 |
Blood |
15.132 |
11.51 |
12.66 |
120 |
Journal Of Hepatology |
14.911 |
13.91 |
15.30 |
128 |
Neuron |
14.318 |
9.76 |
10.74 |
130 |
Molecular Cell |
14.248 |
13.34 |
14.68 |
132 |
Nature Microbiology |
14.174 |
12.06 |
13.27 |
136 |
Hepatology |
14.079 |
12.00 |
13.20 |
140 |
Nature Chemical Biology |
13.843 |
11.31 |
12.44 |
152 |
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
13.333 |
11.01 |
12.11 |
158 |
Journal Of Clinical Investigation |
13.251 |
11.54 |
12.69 |
161 |
Genome Biology |
13.214 |
12.62 |
13.88 |
173 |
Advanced Science |
12.441 |
13.78 |
15.16 |
174 |
Nature Protocols |
12.423 |
10.51 |
11.56 |
175 |
Bone Research |
12.354 |
15.12 |
16.64 |
176 |
Nature Communications |
12.353 |
11.00 |
12.10 |
183 |
Nano Letters |
12.080 |
11.75 |
12.93 |
190 |
Plos Medicine |
11.675 |
9.42 |
10.37 |
197 |
Nucleic Acids Research |
11.561 |
11.59 |
12.75 |
199 |
Science Advances |
11.511 |
11.54 |
12.70 |
200 |
Nature Plants |
11.471 |
11.38 |
12.52 |
201 |
Jama Neurology |
11.460 |
10.38 |
11.42 |
202 |
Biotechnology Advances |
11.452 |
11.69 |
12.86 |
208 |
Lancet Hiv |
11.355 |
11.73 |
12.91 |
209 |
Jnci-Journal Of The National Cancer Institute |
11.238 |
4.81 |
5.29 |
211 |
Autophagy |
11.100 |
8.79 |
9.67 |
214 |
Brain |
10.840 |
10.37 |
11.41 |
215 |
Journal Of Experimental Medicine |
10.790 |
10.36 |
11.40 |
216 |
Jama Pediatrics |
10.769 |
9.62 |
10.58 |
219 |
Lancet Haematology |
10.698 |
10.81 |
11.89 |
222 |
Embo Journal |
10.557 |
10.23 |
11.26 |
225 |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics |
10.376 |
8.36 |
9.19 |
226 |
Journal Of Thoracic Oncology |
10.336 |
8.75 |
9.63 |
227 |
Embo Molecular Medicine |
10.293 |
9.61 |
10.58 |
230 |
American Journal Of Gastroenterology |
10.231 |
8.17 |
8.99 |
233 |
Clinical Cancer Research |
10.199 |
8.18 |
9.00 |
236 |
Jama Cardiology |
10.133 |
9.41 |
10.36 |
237 |
Genome Research |
10.101 |
9.22 |
10.14 |
238 |
Leukemia |
10.023 |
7.51 |
8.26 |
246 |
Thorax |
9.655 |
7.02 |
7.72 |
247 |
Developmental Cell |
9.616 |
8.28 |
9.11 |
248 |
Small |
9.598 |
9.79 |
10.77 |
258 |
Genes & Development |
9.462 |
8.40 |
9.24 |
266 |
Molecular Plant |
9.326 |
7.31 |
8.04 |
272 |
Current Biology |
9.251 |
7.28 |
8.01 |
278 |
Cancer Immunology Research |
9.188 |
8.11 |
8.93 |
280 |
Plos Biology |
9.163 |
7.39 |
8.13 |
283 |
Cancer Research |
9.130 |
6.79 |
7.46 |
286 |
Haematologica |
9.090 |
4.89 |
5.38 |
287 |
Bmc Medicine |
9.088 |
7.13 |
7.85 |
292 |
Cell Systems |
8.982 |
7.25 |
7.97 |
295 |
Genome Medicine |
8.898 |
9.46 |
10.40 |
307 |
Journal Of Cell Biology |
8.784 |
7.99 |
8.79 |
309 |
Embo Reports |
8.749 |
7.16 |
7.87 |
320 |
Theranostics |
8.537 |
7.57 |
8.33 |
323 |
Molecular Systems Biology |
8.500 |
8.89 |
9.78 |
324 |
Jama Surgery |
8.498 |
8.50 |
9.35 |
340 |
Plant Cell |
8.228 |
7.85 |
8.64 |
346 |
Blood Cancer Journal |
8.125 |
5.11 |
5.62 |
349 |
Jama Dermatology |
8.107 |
5.37 |
5.91 |
354 |
Cell Reports |
8.032 |
7.38 |
8.12 |
355 |
Cell Death And Differentiation |
8.000 |
7.39 |
8.13 |
371 |
Molecular Cancer |
7.776 |
9.96 |
10.96 |
378 |
Aging Cell |
7.627 |
6.69 |
7.36 |
379 |
Elife |
7.616 |
6.71 |
7.38 |
410 |
Diabetes |
7.273 |
6.30 |
6.93 |
433 |
Redox Biology |
7.126 |
7.39 |
8.13 |
446 |
Molecular Therapy |
7.008 |
7.45 |
8.19 |
457 |
Oncogene |
6.854 |
6.17 |
6.79 |
474 |
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences |
6.721 |
6.54 |
7.20 |
501 |
Cancer |
6.537 |
5.55 |
6.11 |
501 |
Stem Cell Reports |
6.537 |
4.96 |
5.46 |
512 |
Cancer Letters |
6.491 |
6.16 |
6.78 |
533 |
Science Signaling |
6.378 |
5.74 |
6.32 |
551 |
Journal Of Pathology |
6.253 |
5.49 |
6.04 |
558 |
Protein & Cell |
6.228 |
5.33 |
5.86 |
569 |
Plos Pathogens |
6.158 |
5.96 |
6.56 |
571 |
Breast Cancer Research |
6.142 |
5.20 |
5.72 |
601 |
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B |
6.014 |
5.29 |
5.82 |
617 |
Plant Physiology |
5.949 |
5.87 |
6.46 |
655 |
Bmc Biology |
5.770 |
5.69 |
6.26 |
676 |
Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids |
5.660 |
5.18 |
5.70 |
682 |
Cell Death & Disease |
5.638 |
5.42 |
5.96 |
687 |
Faseb Journal |
5.595 |
4.03 |
4.43 |
687 |
Journal Of Molecular Cell Biology |
5.595 |
3.60 |
3.96 |
690 |
Stem Cells |
5.587 |
5.16 |
5.67 |
704 |
Plos Genetics |
5.540 |
4.77 |
5.25 |
721 |
Bioinformatics |
5.481 |
4.02 |
4.42 |
743 |
Development |
5.413 |
5.23 |
5.75 |
747 |
Journal Of Urology |
5.381 |
4.71 |
5.18 |
749 |
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics |
5.365 |
4.55 |
5.00 |
778 |
Molecular Oncology |
5.264 |
5.49 |
6.04 |
793 |
Rna Biology |
5.216 |
4.34 |
4.77 |
804 |
Aging-Us |
5.179 |
4.88 |
5.37 |
844 |
Carcinogenesis |
5.072 |
3.73 |
4.10 |
872 |
Neoplasia |
4.994 |
3.58 |
3.93 |
894 |
Journal Of Molecular Medicine-Jmm |
4.938 |
4.40 |
4.84 |
918 |
Pharmacological Research |
4.897 |
5.20 |
5.72 |
943 |
Cells |
4.829 |
3.82 |
4.20 |
1028 |
Molecular Cancer Research |
4.597 |
4.11 |
4.52 |
1081 |
Rna |
4.490 |
3.63 |
3.99 |
1094 |
Cell Discovery |
4.462 |
4.37 |
4.81 |
1135 |
Journal Of Cell Science |
4.401 |
4.06 |
4.47 |
1158 |
Cancer Science |
4.372 |
4.49 |
4.94 |
1202 |
Journal Of Cellular And Molecular Medicine |
4.302 |
4.37 |
4.81 |
1242 |
Human Gene Therapy |
4.241 |
3.69 |
4.06 |
1245 |
Biochemical Pharmacology |
4.235 |
4.40 |
4.84 |
1251 |
Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy |
4.225 |
4.54 |
4.99 |
1295 |
Science Bulletin |
4.136 |
4.46 |
4.91 |
1355 |
Cancer Gene Therapy |
4.044 |
4.30 |
4.73 |
1381 |
Journal Of Biological Chemistry |
4.010 |
3.85 |
4.23 |
1429 |
Apoptosis |
3.967 |
3.79 |
4.16 |
1553 |
Chinese Journal Of Cancer |
3.822 |
3.02 |
3.32 |
1563 |
Molecular And Cellular Biology |
3.813 |
3.21 |
3.53 |
1676 |
Chinese Journal Of Cancer Research |
3.689 |
2.37 |
2.60 |
1843 |
Cancer Journal |
3.519 |
2.21 |
2.44 |
1849 |
Molecular Biology Of The Cell |
3.512 |
3.54 |
3.90 |
2025 |
Virology |
3.374 |
2.52 |
2.77 |
2027 |
Cancer Biology & Therapy |
3.373 |
2.60 |
2.86 |
2079 |
International Journal Of Oncology |
3.333 |
3.42 |
3.77 |
2101 |
Experimental Cell Research |
3.309 |
3.15 |
3.46 |
2111 |
Cell Cycle |
3.304 |
2.58 |
2.84 |
2117 |
World Journal Of Gastroenterology |
3.300 |
3.11 |
3.42 |
2187 |
Journal Of Cancer |
3.249 |
3.02 |
3.33 |
2213 |
Life Sciences |
3.234 |
3.22 |
3.54 |
2221 |
Cancer Research And Treatment |
3.230 |
3.09 |
3.40 |
2226 |
Biology Of The Cell |
3.226 |
3.71 |
4.08 |
2238 |
Cell And Bioscience |
3.219 |
3.07 |
3.38 |
2260 |
Gene Therapy |
3.203 |
3.46 |
3.80 |
2287 |
Genes |
3.191 |
2.60 |
2.86 |
2383 |
Brain Research |
3.125 |
2.81 |
3.09 |
2433 |
Molecules |
3.098 |
2.65 |
2.91 |
2488 |
American Journal Of Translational Research |
3.061 |
3.09 |
3.40 |
2515 |
European Journal Of Pharmacology |
3.040 |
3.00 |
3.30 |
2572 |
Febs Letters |
2.999 |
2.49 |
2.74 |
2574 |
Biochemistry |
2.997 |
2.77 |
3.05 |
2575 |
Cellular Immunology |
2.995 |
2.91 |
3.20 |
2601 |
Oncology Reports |
2.976 |
2.91 |
3.20 |
2936 |
International Journal Of Molecular Medicine |
2.784 |
2.78 |
3.06 |
2975 |
Plos One |
2.766 |
NA |
NA |
3190 |
Oncotargets And Therapy |
2.656 |
2.83 |
3.12 |
3800 |
European Review For Medical And Pharmacological Sciences |
2.387 |
2.57 |
2.83 |
4729 |
Medicine |
2.028 |
1.40 |
1.54 |
5058 |
Molecular Medicine Reports |
1.922 |
1.75 |
1.93 |
5145 |
Medical Science Monitor |
1.894 |
1.78 |
1.96 |
5227 |
Anti-Cancer Drugs |
1.869 |
1.75 |
1.92 |
5926 |
Oncology Letters |
1.664 |
1.79 |
1.97 |
6913 |
Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine |
1.410 |
1.36 |
1.50 |
6955 |
International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Pathology |
1.396 |
0.19 |
0.21 |
9463 |
International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine |
0.833 |
0.17 |
0.18 |
11092 |
Open Medicine |
0.484 |
1.09 |
1.19 |
JCI Insight |
NA |
5.55 |
6.11 |
Blood Advances |
NA |
2.93 |
3.23 |