
2022-10-27 22:19:43 0



After 15 hours of political debate at Parliament’s opening, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen spoke about the state acquisition of the last four remaining Danish circus elephants so they can retire. She tried to keep a straight face, but it just happened - one giggle and the entire hall was laughing, as the Prime Minister was trying to finish her report.

在议会进行了15个小时的政治辩论后,丹麦首相梅特·弗雷德里克森(Mette Frederiksen)谈到了政府向私人收购最后四只马戏团大象,让它们退休的问题。她试图板着脸,严肃地完成整个报告时,然而意外发生了——一个没憋住紧接着就迎来了全场的笑声,

The transaction was approved in September as a step towards a complete ban on the use wild animals in shows. Ramboline, Lara, Djunga and Jenny were bought for 11 million Danish kroner 的举措的第一步,丹麦政府将兰波琳、劳拉、琼加和珍妮以1100万丹麦克朗(约160万美元)的价格买下。

But an unforeseen circumstance was then revealed - Ramboline couldn’t be separated from her best friend – the camel Ali. The two have had a long-term relationship and were first spotted together in a documentary on Danish national TV back in 2010, when they lived in Dannebrog Circus.


“We received important information that it would be wrong to separate Ramboline and Ali,” said laughing Mette Frederiksen from the tribune. “That’s why we actually got Ali,” finished the Prime Minister, as MPs were laughing unanimously.

“我们收到的信息是……兰波琳和阿里是不能分离的,”说着她忍不住笑出了声。“所以...我们把阿里也买下来了。”弗雷德里克森说。 随即台下的政府官员也憋不住哈哈大笑,一改先前的严肃。

关键字:  丹麦首相弗雷泽里克森  丹麦首相笑场完整版  丹麦首相弗雷德里森  丹麦首相向中国道歉  丹麦首相频繁笑场